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christopher shingleton
Född i Virginia
22 days
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Memorial bok
mommy miss you little and you only one more day until you 6st birthday and i know you are in heaven learning more up there then you would down here. you would be starting school and i will never forget that feeling when i was holding you sweetie you are not forgotten you always in my heart and i think about everyday that goes by you got a speical place in everyone heart and you will always will i know the sun will be sun shine tomorrow because i gave you the best gif of all and that was letting you go to heaven so you are not surfing anymore and you dont have to worry about the pain that you was in i got your picture in my heart and it will always stay there and i will never lose it it has got easlier for me to let you go now then it was couple of years ago i am hoping that i do have you a brother or a little sister and your two cousin came up and seen you and your uncle. your unlce really loves you too but it is just as hard on him as it is me
you will always be in everyone heart you little angel hugs and kisses little guy your memory is always with me
rachel shingleton
christopher your always in my heart my little angel mommy miss you and wish you was here for me to hold
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